United Maine Coon Cat Association  
Interested in learning more about our 
cat club?

About United Maine Coon Cat Association

     We are affiliated with The Cat Fanciers’ Federation, also known as C.F.F.,  one of the oldest feline registries in the United States.  C.F.F. does stand for Cat Fanciers’ Federation, but , we are happy that it can also stand for Cats, Family and Friends.  Follow the link at the bottom of the navigation bar for more information about C.F.F.

    The United Maine Coon Cat Association (UMCCA) was founded December 1, 1972.(a not for profit organization). 

     UMCCA is the Maine Coon Cat Breed Club of the Cat Fanciers Federation Inc. We are dedicated to the promotion, education and  preservation  of the Maine Coon Cat. 

    Our goals include  helping  to educate the public about  purebred Maine Coon Cats.  To Protect the Maine Coon Cat from obliteration or distortion of any of its naturally evolved features. 

    We have four levels of Membership:

 Honorary Membership :  
    Any individual who performs an exceptional service for the Association, or for the promotion or improvement of the Maine Coon Cat Breed is eligible to be elected by the Association as an honorary member of the Association. Honorary Members shall not pay dues nor shall they be entitled to vote upon any Association matters. 

 Fancier Membership:
    ​    Fancier Members shall not be entitled to vote upon Association matters.  Application for Fancier membership  must be accompanied by dues for one year. The application does not require sponsorship.

 Associate Membership:
        Associate Membership- Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote upon all matters of the Association excluding those relating to the standards, rules, and registrations the Maine Coon Cat breed, applications for Breeder membership in the Association, disciplinary actions, and any matters determined by C.F.F. to be considered by the Maine Coon Cat
breed club.  

Breeder Members:
            Breeder Membership- Breeder Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote upon all matters of the Association; including, but not limited to , those relating to the standards , rules, and registrations of the Maine Coon Cat breed , all levels of membership in the Association, disciplinary actions and any matters determined by the C.F.F. to be considered by Maine Coon Cat breed Club.

For more information about the levels of membership and prerequisites 
please read our  Constitution &  By-Laws.  If you love the Maine Coon Cat Breed and  would like to join our club please send an email to the contact
 link to the left.